To-do List
- Clean up a lot of code
- Code future links:
(Ultimately decided against this for the time being.)
- Shrines
Move some of the buttoned links to "Links" page and segregate buttoned links there by "NeoSite" and "non-NeoSite"
- Update the "Gallery" page
- Add a "fanlore" and/or "OCs" tab (as recommended by a Discord friend!), thought of adding a sketches/doodles page as well.
Convert all links to iframe (can also apply to those in the "Commissions" page)
- Change some parts of the "Who" page that I kinda dislike (looking at you, interests box)
- Revamp my own socmed buttons to make them more "retro"-looking.
- Maybe conceptualize a better site design, but that'll take a long time.